What do fiber arts include? What does a fiber artist do?

We are weavers, basket makers, spinners, knitters, quilters, paper makers, surface designers and more! You can see examples of our work in the Artists Gallery.

I am a fiber enthusiast but don't produce fiber work of my own. Is there a place?

Membership is open to anyone interested in any of the fiber arts. Our membership includes professionals, amateurs, teachers and novices working in many different disciplines, and individuals who love fiber even though they aren’t currently involved in the making of items. Information about joining MOFA is located under JOIN MOFA! in the main menu.

My fiber work is functional/non-functional. Is there a place in MOFA for me?

Yes. Fiber work in all manifestations is welcome in both informal and formal settings such as exhibitions, workshops, publications, and in informal get-togethers of members. We’re interested in fiber work of any type.

I don't live in Missouri. Am I able to join MOFA?

We encourage all who love fiber, weather you reside in the state of Missouri or beyond, to become active members of Missouri Fiber Artists (MoFA). Approximately 10 states are home to MoFA members.

When and where does MOFA meet?

Missouri Fiber Artists meet once a year. There is a conference (with an exhibition, keynote speaker, fashion show, and workshops) in even calendar years. In odd calendar years, we meet for a retreat, which is less formal. The venues for conferences and retreats vary throughout the state. There may also be meetings organized by your regional representative. Check the event calendar for up-to-date listings.

When do I pay my dues?

Membership is yearly on a renewal basis. Members can join at any time of the year and dues are paid at that time. Click JOIN MOFA to become a member. Membership renewal reminders are sent on yearly anniversary and should be paid online through the reminder. Recurring membership can be cancelled at any time.

Can I pay my dues online?

Yes!, to join online click JOIN MOFA! submit form and payment for a 1 year recurring membership. You will receive a payment reminder when your yearly membership fees are due. Contact mofamembership@gmail.com with any membership questions.

I've just joined MOFA. Now what happens?

You’ll receive an acknowledgment and a welcome to MOFA from the Membership Chair. You will also receive a password for access to the MEMBERS ONLY section of the website, receive the quarterly newsletter and periodic email notifications of activities. Your membership includes an individual page in the Artist Gallery where you can show your artwork, share links and contact info with the public. You will also be able to show your work in member exhibitions and fashion shows and be able to enter juried competitions. You may apply for a scholarship to attend a workshop or conferences well. The application for scholarships is in the MEMBERS ONLY section.

How do I access the "Members Only" section of the website?

After joining MoFA, you will be given a password, which gives you access to the MEMBERS ONLY section.

Do I get a membership card?

While some organizations do issue membership cards, MoFA does not. We do, however, prepare a name tag which identifies you by name as a MoFA member. The name tag is magnetic and is not damaging to garments. We encourage you to wear it to MoFA and other events.

Is there a Membership Directory?

Yes. You will have access to a membership directory in the MEMBERS ONLY section of the website. The directory is updated several times a year and is viewable and printable.

Can I register for the conference and the retreat on-line and pay for my registration on-line?

No, not at this time. Check the events tab for conference and retreat information and payment specifics.

Does MOFA sponsor exhibitions?

Yes. Usually, there is a membership exhibition in conjunction with the biennial conference, and an informal exhibition of member work is included in the retreat activities as well, both not juried. In addition, Speaking of Fibers, a St. Louis based MOFA, juried exhibition, is presented in odd-numbered years. Other recent opportunities have included Pairings, a traveling show, Here and There and 12×12 by MOFA, all unjuried member shows.

Often there are two shows per year, where all members can enter, plus additional regional shows.

How do I know what's going on?

All events are usually located under EVENTS in the main menu. Due to COVID there are no events listed at this time. Follow on Facebook and Instagram for most current information.

You mention exhibitions. Are there other ways in which I can show off what I'm doing?

Yes. There are many ways to gain exposure:

– Fashion shows are usually included at both the conference and the retreat
– Volunteering to teach a workshop or present a program at either event or for a regional meeting.
– Exchanging ideas and techniques at informal gatherings
– Write an article for the newsletter
– Include your work in the
ARTISTS GALLERY on the website

How can I become involved in MOFA?

Opportunities are varied, by attending retreats, conferences, or regional meetings, to running for office or serving on the Board in a volunteer position. Check MEMBERS ONLY to further explore ways of becoming involved. Some other examples include writing an article for the newsletter, volunteering to help a committee chair, or becoming a regional representative.

What does a regional representative do?

Missouri is divided into eight regions. Additional regions include any members living outside of Missouri. Volunteers within each region assume leadership for that area. Regional representatives promote MoFA and the fiber arts locally, by organizing regional activities, writing news articles for the MoFA newsletter and local newspapers, or by speaking to local organizations about fiber art and MoFA activities. More information can be found under LEADERSHIP.

You've mentioned the MEMBERS ONLY section several times. What is in that section?

Items include an up-to-date membership directory, current and archived MOFA newsletters, the application for scholarships, opportunities and helpful resources. MOFA’s Constitution, and the By-Laws are also included. Members are encouraged to suggest and submit other additions. Send questions and suggestions here.

Does MOFA have presence on social media?

Yes, Missouri Fiber Artists is active on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.