By combining my love of fibers, printmaking, and many other mediums, I create pieces that are deeply rooted in nostalgia, complex emotions, and key moments in my life. Through my artwork, I aim to bring a sense of connection to viewers as they reflect on their life journeys and emotions. “At the heart of my creative process is a profound belief that art serves as a bridge between our own story and the desire to help others feel they aren't alone.” In my life, certain patterns emerge whether caught in the loop of overthinking, immersing myself in the rhythmic melody of a single song for days, or creating print editions, repetition holds a comforting and essential place in my life. My vivid imagination has evolved into a self-mythology, at times when I was younger, accompanied by maladaptive daydreaming. Exploring human existence and experiences, I learn the stories of my family history as well as other narratives. This exploration weaves seamlessly into my artistic expression, infusing each print and creation with a narrative.

Crochet, for me, serves as more than a medium; it symbolizes resourcefulness born in a family marked by some financial struggles. I am drawn to reusing, a frugality that has become integral to my life. When I make fiber-based art, I find joy in crafting pieces that show the marks of their creation—stitches exposed, each telling a story. Just as I refuse to conceal my stitches, I am equally unwilling to hide my experiences and stories. Utilizing found fabrics is a deliberate choice for accessibility and a rejection of waste. Every discarded fabric, to me, holds significance, is spared from the fate of a landfill, and is given a new life in my pieces.